Over 12 years of practicing law, Mr.Simson S has tried and settled numerous cases that have resulted in tens of millions of rupees of recoveries for his clients.
Law School
Government collage of law, Madurai Affiliated by Tamilnadu DR.Ambedkar Law University Chennai.(2005-2010)
Professional License
Bar Council of Tamilnadu& Puducherry affiliated by Bar Council of India(Enrolled as an Honorary Advocate Member MS/3648/2010), R.Sathyavathi MS/2885/2010.
Professional Certification
Certificate of Practice authorized by Bar Council of India, New Delhi.
Coimbatore Bar Association, Coimbatore Criminal Court Bar Association, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Indian National Bar Association, New Delhi, India
Indian Lawyers Association, New Delhi, India.
Mr.Simson S., Associate Partner